PlusONE believes that the smartphone should not be limited by its battery power and a user should be able to use their smart phone to the fullest potential.
PlusONE is a phone enhancement device sharing platform. 

Product Team Member
Product Conceptualisation, Product Strategy, Ideation, Design Thinking, User Research
What's the deal?
PlusONE believes that the smartphone should not be limited by its battery power and a user should be able to use their smart phone to the fullest potential. PlusONE is a smartphone attachment that acts as both a powerbank and other phone enhancing devices to provide a better smartphone experience. The best part of PlusONE is that the user does not have to bring it around, as it is also grounded with a sharing platform where users can loan it whenever and wherever they like.
PlusONE is inspired by gamer lingo, usually in the form of "+10XP" as PlusONE's primary target audience is mobile gamers. The logo is a combination of "+" and a circle, in the form commonly seen in wireless charging. The "1" is also included in the logo to spell out "+1", which is the brand name.​​​​​​​
PlusONE is wireless smartphone attachment that acts like both a powerbank and other phone enhancing devices such as speakers (enhanced audio), macro lenses (enhanced photo/video) etc.  For more information, check out the following pitch deck video.

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