Imperium is a 3 Days 2 Night Freshmen Orientation experience for NUS Materials Science and Engineering Freshmen. The programme centres around the slogan: you are one of us, in light of uniting the MSE Undergraduates.

Vice Camp Director and Creative Director
Theme Conceptualisation, Creative and Branding, Project Management, Marketing and Publicity

Imperium: A Kingdom
The theme of this programme is Powers, where each orientation group has their own representative power and colour. Logos were made in consideration of their powers, mainly, Telekinesis (Hecate), Teleportation (Janus), Frost (Kore) and Telepathy (Iris). Names of Greek Idols were also chosen in consideration of their powers. The main logo (as shown above) is the combination of the 4 logos.​​​​​​​

Publicity Videos

Looping Ad
The first video was released specifically for as an Instagram ad and Facebook Banner with its short duration and upbeat music (meant for looping).
Official Camp Trailer

The official trailer was released on both Instagram and Facebook. It introduces the theme, storyline and the characters of the programme.

Individual Group Trailers

The Orientation Group Trailers were released in the each group's Whatsapp group as a form of induction just before the programme starts. These videos gave more information about their powers and backstories. Only the members of a particular power can view their own introduction video.

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